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Reverse Bit [CF]

21 May 2016 » python, codefights

Author Question: Giappi

I have an integer number, which I want to reverse by following steps:

  1. Convert the number into binary string.
  2. Reverse binary string.
  3. Convert the reversed binary string back to integer.

Can you help me write a function to do it ?


For x = 234, the output should be ReverseBit(x) = 87.

23410 = 111010102 => 010101112 = 8710.


  • [input] integer x A non-negative integer.

  • [output] integer x reversed as described above.


def ReverseBit(x):
  x = bin(x).replace('0b', '')
  reverse_text = ''
  for l in range(len(x)-1, -1, -1):
      reverse_text = reverse_text + x[l]
  return int(reverse_text, 2)

>>> ReverseBit(234)